Statusbin New Data Limits!
April 30, 2019
Statusbin iOS 1.26 and Android 1.43 versions increased data limits for the line, scatter and column charts.
The column chart limit has been raised to 200 data points per series. The line and scatter charts also behave a bit differently now.
The line and scatter charts now have a limit of 2000 data points total. This limit carries over to all data points when the chart has multiple series changing the total amount of values on the x-axis a chart can have depending on how many series the chart has.
Data point limits per series are as follows:
- 1 Series: 2000 points
- 2 Series: 1000 points
- 3 Series: 666 points
- 4 Series: 500 points

Charts can now have a single series with a lot of data points or have multiple multiple series with a smaller amount of data points per series.
The version of Statusbin can now be accessed within the app.
On iOS the version is on the settings menu.
On Android the version is displayed on the logout dialog box view. It can be accessed by pressing back while viewing the company list view.
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